We’ve been staying inside most of this week because of the weather and I’m starting to go a little stir crazy. And it looks like things will not be improving the rest of the week with more bad weather on the way. I might have to brave the cold and make an emergency trip to Hobby Lobby tonight just to get out. To fill the day today I have been taking random pictures of the kids and even snuck in a video on Gabby without her knowing it (hence the weird angle). She is big into The Little Mermaid right now and we both tend to break out in songs from the movie at random moments through the day. Our favorite is “Part of Your World” which is what she’s serenading me with at full Gabby blast here. She definitely has her daddy’s voice. :)
Sorry, the first time I posted it was private. This should work now.
Day one of being bored. Gabby and I had our first ever tea party. Don’t worry, it’s decaf. Can you imagine a caffeinated Gabby stuck indoors?!
Peter Michael trying his first ever real food, bananas. He’s had the baby food version of course but they have these bags that you can put real food or ice chips in and let kids suck and chew on them without choking. He gummed it right up. And to think, I used to think this invention was gross.
Day three of being bored (today). This is her sad face.
Happy face
Goofy face
And mad face
Bubba thought they were all funny.
You can tell that Gabby must be getting bored too because she was all about taking pictures today.