Michael and I vaguely remember when we used to go out for our entertainment. A movie, club or just hanging out with kids. This week Gabby has provided a totally different kind of show for us. In the video below she created her own drum station complete with stool all by herself. The drum solo video is thanks to her Uncle John and Uncle David who thought it would be funny to get drum sticks for her for Christmas. Yes they’re loud but they did turn out to be pretty funny this night. We don’t have a video of it but tonight she serenaded us for about an hour with her own Christmas mix of Rocking Around the Christmas Tree and Deck the Halls.
We keep wondering what our kids will do when they get older. We’re pretty sure that Peter Michael will be an NFL star someday with legs like those. But Gabby has us totally stumped. She likes art and music obviously but is also very structured for an artist. She loves to line things up and put things in order. It will definitely be interesting to see what she does.
Just in case you can’t hear it in this video she counts from 1-12 then throws in a 14 and “Bubba pulled on my hair”
With that hair and drum performance don’t you think she’s perfect for an 80’s hair band? Making a funny face
Making a really funny face

Check out the shirt. It’s all the way from Germany. Thanks cousin Michelle!