the Paladinos

Memorial Day

Tuesday, May 26, 2015 by Leslie Paladino

We decided to spend the last day of our long weekend hiking to a few waterfalls.  Along the way we went past Terra Studios, home of the Bluebird of Happiness, and had to stop.  It’s definitely an interesting place with little gnomes or dragons, etc popping out of random little places.  We got to see one of the artists making bluebirds and of course the kids had to each bring one home. 

To get to the waterfalls we were following directions from a Tim Ernst book.  We were planning on hitting a few “easy” ones along the road and started with the Kings River Falls outside of Boston, AR.  Our first clue that something might be off about this spot should have been all the cars.  But it was 4 miles down a dirt road so we figured the falls really must have been worth seeing if that many cars were there.  The trail was pretty water logged after all the rain we’ve had but we finally made our way down the river after about an hour of walking.  And we found…lots of drunk college kids complete with a pile of jello shot cups and empty beer bottles.  Not quite what we expected but we hung out for a while then walked back.  By the time we made it back out we were hot, grumpy and Peter went home pantless after walking back straight through the puddles and finally falling in one.  So no more waterfalls for us.  But still a memorable day!   Smile

Making their way through the Labyrinth.
First one out of the maze complete with a winners pose. 

Daddy “got lost” in the maze and had to be led out. 

Love this little man and his smile!

Kings River Falls and our new friends.

This kid was in his happy place with unlimited rocks to throw in the water. 

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