Since Gabby is in year round school we’ve been on October break for the last two weeks. Love it! I wish we could continue on this calendar straight through High School but unfortunately it only goes through 4th grade in this district. But we’ll take it for as long as we can get it.
Taking advantage of the cooler temps, cheaper rates and fewer crowds we decided to make our way to Florida to visit GranDeb. This is by far the farthest that we’ve been with our little turkeys and they did so well! We just couldn’t wrap our minds around 18 hours in the car with a 5 year old and 3 year old and decided to fly instead. I have many, many things that I could say about our experience with Allegiant but I will keep it to a few words. I don’t like them! Extra charges for EVERYTHING, bad service and way too many restrictions. But they got us there so I guess I shouldn’t complain.
The kids did great on the plane and loved flying. We were really nervous about Peter because he has some serious issues with loud noises but he thought it was all very exciting. He even struck up a conversation with our seat mate on both flights.
For all my dislike of flying with Allegiant I will admit it was very nice to have a two hour flight with no layovers. We were on the ground in no time and had excellent shuttle service from GranDeb.
The kids loved playing with (not in) GranDeb’s pool. It was a little cold so they spent a lot of time running around the pool and dipping feet and hands in. I’m shocked that we didn’t have someone fall in (my bet was on Peter) but no mishaps other than wet PJ’s every morning. :)
In the airport.
Peter just hanging out while we waited to board.

GranDeb and Mr. Bill’s dog Honey
Peter explaining something very important then showing Gabby below.

This was from our last day. Gabby decided to give Peter “swimming lessons.” I don’t think he was a very cooperative student.