Today our Gabby girl started her first day of kindergarten. Wasn’t it just yesterday that I shakingly told Michael “ummm, I think my water just broke.” I have no doubt that those parents who say it will fly by and she will be graduating from high school before you know it are right. What a treasure our first 5 years with this little princess, rockstar, diva have been. I cry over what I’m loosing but am so excited for what’s ahead.
We have been in a whirlwind of “doing” before she starts school for the past two weeks. School supplies, school clothes, going to jump zone, the pool, Chuck E Cheese, play dates, etc. because we have to fit it all in before we’re locked down by a school schedule. But we have been blessed to be in a year round school with lots of breaks throughout the year which makes this obsessive mama feel much better.
Gabby said she wanted to have a party before starting school so we had some friends meet us at chick-fil-a to play and have cupcakes yesterday. With 5 girls and poor Peter there was of course a little drama and a whole lot of giggles. What sweet friends we have.
At 7:20 this morning we arrived at school and walked our little big girl in and said goodbye. She was nervous with the crazy noise and people everywhere but once she got into her class she put on a smile and started coloring. At registration earlier this year she saw a really cute classroom that she wanted to be in and that happens to be the one we got! She also has a friend in her class from her preschool which is a big help. Her mom and I will be the classroom moms which I’m really looking forward to (I might have a problem with control). :)
After I sat in the car line (for 40 minutes!!!) to pick her up she bounced to the car with her teacher and said that it “was awesome.” Now of course she says she was bored but she’s just trying to play it cool. Her favorite part was lunch because she could have some private time which I think translates to she didn’t have anyone telling her what to do. :( It makes me sad that she needed that break but it’s also good for her to have structure. So I guess this begins our days of getting up early, getting to bed early too and life revolving around school (or so it feels).
Saw this idea on Pinterest and thought it was cute.

In her classroom and in the act of telling me “you said no more pictures mom.”
Peeking in through the window after we left. Can you find her?
Had to include a picture of Gabby’s sparkle binder.
Our party yesterday.
Love this girl!