Today is a very sad day in our house. Gabby’s best friend Hoppy went home to his mommy and daddy in Hoppy Land. Daddy drove him to the “airport” after work. In case you don’t know who Hoppy is, that’s Gabby’s rabbit lovey. She has three but “Finger Hoppy” is her favorite. His name came from the hole in the center of the blanket that she likes to stick her finger in. She started with “Boo” who was her bear lovey which we took away last year but we left her Hoppy because we didn’t want to be totally cruel. At that point she had to have Boo, Hoppy and a blanket with her at all times. We thought that was a little much. She never talks about Boo though so I know we’ll be okay without Hoppy soon too. We have been talking to her about it for a while so she was prepared and practically threw him at Michael to take to the airport. I was more emotional about it than she was. I actually teared up when he left. I guess he was the final piece of her babyhood that we’re loosing (or taking away in this case).
Tonight she is sleeping with her 4 baby princesses from GranDeb and her big Dora from Papa Dino. She hasn’t gotten upset yet although it’s 9:00 and she is still awake in bed. We’ll see how it goes.
Getting ready for bed with the princesses
Nope, she’s just pretending.
Now just some random cuteness from the day.
Putting on “lippy”
He gets this look from his daddy. :)
Yummy rice krispie treat.