Can you believe our baby girl is 3! She keeps asking if she’s 5 so I guess she’s already ready to skip ahead. Now she wants to know how old everything is. How old is Tinker Bell (we’re still looking into that one GranDeb) and how old are all of her princesses and friends. We had almost a full week of celebration with a party for her at Mother’s Day Out on Tuesday, her friends sang Happy Birthday to her at a play date on Wednesday and GranDeb came to see us on the Thursday before her party. It was a very exciting week.
We had a great birthday party here at the house. Gabby decided months ago that it would be an Ariel (Little Mermaid) party. She has been so, so excited for her party and asked about it almost every day for months. When the big day finally arrived I think she got a little overwhelmed but she had a great time and loved visiting with her family and friends.
Gabby’s birthday cookies that she took to MDO on Tuesday.

Mommy and Gabby trying on our handmade gifts from GranDeb.

Flounder was Gabby’s first birthday present that she opened. She sleeps with him every night now.
A proud GranDeb with her grandbabies.

Papa Dino with the birthday girl.

I think we’ve all given Papa Dino this look at one time or another. :)

Gabby and Grayson digging for treasure in the sand.

Gabby and her friends made treasure boxes for their buried treasure.

The girls playing in their princess shoes.

Gabby’s Little Mermaid cake. Yum!
Blowing out the candle with a little help from Gramma.
Opening one of her Ariel dolls. She loves all of her dolls!
Opening more presents
Aubrie riding Gabby’s big girl bike that we got for her birthday. The other girls were more impressed than Gabby. Oh well!
Grayson giving Peter Michael a hug. He’s probably just happy to have another boy there. We had a house full of girls.
Cute picture!
3 generations of ladies.
The family, minus Peter because he was napping. We’ll Photoshop his little head in somewhere. :)

Miss Sassy Pants pointing at the camera with Aunt Shelley.
Jumping on one of her new presents.
All dressed up in her princess gown.
Flying her new kite (you can’t see him here but Daddy is pulling it)