For the past two weeks we have been potty training with Gabby. This time it’s a keeper! We have tried it several times over the last few months and it hasn’t taken but she finally seems ready. She wears diapers to bed but when she’s awake and home she wears panties and hasn’t had an accident in almost a week. This time we’re keeping the potty chair in the living room so she can run to it when nature calls. We figured, hey, our son sleeps in our closet, why not let Gabby potty in the living room. She’s very proud of herself every time she goes and loves getting her little treats which we’ll have to cut out soon.
Peter is doing well and is such a happy baby as you can tell from the below videos. He’s doing well with his food and has started opening his little mouth like a bird instead of us having to force it down. His sleeping habits are still pretty irregular. He’ll sleep through the night about once a week and the rest of the week is up once or more a night.
We spent Thanksgiving in Conway at my grandma’s new house (which is very nice and comfy). The kids did well (other than the first nights sleep) and Gabby loved being with her family. She’s very excited about Christmas and insists on listening to Christmas music every time we’re in the car.
And just in case you wonder why she isn’t in any pictures below, she’s not very into pictures right now.
He’s a bad biker baby (with a mohawk if you can’t tell)
Kicked back in his ducky tub

Peter in his Christmas p.j.’s
Gabby in the same p.j.’s.
We had Peter dedicated last week. This is his little outfit.
Don’t worry, Daddy is just out of camera range ready to catch him if he falls.
Peter Michael had just learned how to roll over from his tummy to his back. (11/10/09)
Gabby loves to pretend she is a mermaid and the blanket is her ocean. We love her imagination.
This shows how well he sits up now. Also as a side note, this was taken at 11:00 last night. Don’t you wish you had this much energy that late.
Daddy’s so funny.