Two weekends ago we went to Little Rock to introduce Peter Michael to the Paladino's. He and Gabby enjoyed seeing everyone and Gabby loved playing with her cousins or "them girls" as she called them.
This last weekend the Pitts family came to Bentonville for a visit. We celebrated Meme's birthday a little early and had yummy cake. Gabby said it made her tummy feel better.
Today was Peter Michael's first milestone. He rolled over from his back to his tummy for the first time. We think that his next big thing will be a tooth. He is a big slobber monster right now.
Yes, that's a cigar in his hand. Good job Uncle Chris. :)
Mia holding Peter Michael

Gabby was in love with Mia
He was so worn out after his big day
Gabby is getting ready to water her stick garden. She and Papa Dino spent about 15 minutes watering them. Grow sticks grow!
Notice the "garden" of sticks that she created
This is Papa Mike and Gabby's "cake hungry" face

Proud Papa
Aunt Patty with her favorite great-nephew (I can say that right?)
The Pitts family (notice cheese ball Gabby's pose)
Gabby built this "train" all by herself from conception to what you see.
Go Hogs! Does this look like a future Razorback player or what?!
Peter Michael after he has rolled over for the second time today.