Peter Michael is 8 weeks old today. Can you believe it! We're doing very well here and settling down into a routine. He has just naturally fallen into a sleep, wake, eat pattern which seems to work well for us. Last week we started swaddling him (actually double swaddling because he loves to kick) and he has been sleeping great at night. We're down to only one feeding at around 3:00 or 4:00 am. And his sleep has gotten more consistent during the day. He has really started smiling and talking lately. He just smiles and coos if you look right in his face and talk to him.
Gabby has been hilarious with all of her big girl comments. She is definitely in the watch, learn and repeat phase right now. At dinner we always tell her that we can't play until we've finished eating. So she has started closely watching our plates to see when we're done. Yesterday she insisted on seeing the food on Michael's plate to make sure that he was still eating. I wish I could remember all of the funny things that she has started saying and doing.
7/12/09 Peter Michael's first real bath.

Gabby loves to help give Bubba baths

Puppy dog shirt and shoes.
Can you tell we've been painting?
Is this an America's Next Top Model pose or what?!
This is how he slept before we were swaddling him.
She thought I was just taking a picture and she knows you say "cheese" for pictures.
Sorry for the bad filming on this one. He doesn't smile as well when you put the camera in his face so I had to hold it to the side.