Just in case you haven’t heard the latest I wanted to give you an update on Peter Michael. I have been having some irregular contractions since last Thursday and was very hopeful that I would go into labor over the weekend. However, I had another checkup yesterday and am still only at a 1 and haven’t changed a bit. I guess PM is very comfortable which we’re hoping means that he will be the laid back baby that we’ve dreamed of. His sister of course punched her way out a week early and hasn’t stopped going since. It’s been very strange how different my two pregnancies have been and will be interesting to see how different the labor is. Hopefully we’ll end up with a safe delivery and healthy baby as before.
Since I am now officially over my due date we have decided to go ahead and induce. I go into the hospital tomorrow at 4:00 pm and they will start me on a slow acting medicine to help me dilate. Early the next morning they will break my water and possibly give me another drug, pitocin, to really get things going. If all goes as planned Peter Michael Paladino should be here by noonish. We are very excited and anxious to meet this little boy. It’s crazy to think that we will have a son in a couple of days.
Gabby has been warming to the idea of a baby brother. She still isn’t sure about sharing mommy and daddy or her bathroom though. She is such a funny girl. You never know what will come out of her mouth or what she will do. It’s amazing how much she has changed and really turned into a big girl. She will be such a little helper with her baby “bubba.”
Finally we’re also getting some pictures of the house out before it’s covered with baby swings, chairs, etc. I guess the next post you see will be with a picture of our Peter Michael. Yea!!

And of course, random funny’s of Gabby
Yes, we do brush her hair sometimes
No, it’s not very often