Next Thursday is our official move date to Bentonville. We close on our Ft. Smith house in the morning, our Bentonville house in the afternoon and will move in to the new house that afternoon/evening. Wow! Busy day. I don’t think any of us really realize what it’s going to be like to leave. Of course we won’t be that far away and will be back to visit. And soon Peter Michael will keep us busy so we won’t have time to think about missing everyone.
We’ve had a ton of pictures on the cameras that we just haven’t gotten over to the computer so I finally decided to download them today and share them. Enjoy!
Painting for the first time in her new apron from our friend Michelle.

On the tire swing with “Ma Mike”
Dancing in the middle of the road.
Gabby in her new hat.
Peter Michael trying out his new blanket from GranDeb.
Gabby with her first Easter basket.
Eating her first marshmallow Peep.
Easter family pic.
Twirling in her Easter dress.
Air Gabby
Doesn’t this make you want to try jumping on the bed.
Our sweet Sunday School class threw us a Going Away/Baby Shower. Look at this yummy spread.
Gabby playing at the party
Opening her present from her friend Logan at the shower.
Gabby with friend Vivienne at the party
You can’t see her in this picture but “Bossy” Gabby was leading this little train.

We have no idea what she’s saying here but she does this every time I wear a certain jacket with strings. She’s saying something into a “microphone”.
The cool way to jump. Again, I have no idea what she’s saying here but she has a cute little dance to go with it.