We had our first official ultrasound today and found out that we're having a boy. I had a very quick surprise ultrasound last week at the dr's office and thought that it was a boy but it was definitely confirmed today. He's about 1 lb and they have him due about the same time as our original due date so we'll just say June 1st still. He was very active and healthy. We've included a video and pictures. As you can see his little legs are up by his head so he's quite flexible. Just in case you can't tell what's what in the video his head is on the right and his heart is in the middle of the screen. His legs are on the left and they extend up to his head. Sometimes the screen will switch to a foot or hand shot and when they show his profile you can see his tongue moving and his little mouth opening and closing (I think he's saying Mama).
Gabby is handling the news well although she has said Sissy a lot today. We'll just say that she's excited about being a big sister instead of saying that she wants a Sissy. Sometimes she seems happy about the baby and will pet my belly and sometimes she just says No, No when we say something about the baby. She'll be a good big Sissy though.
We're very excited and can't wait to see more of this little guy.
The money shot. The arrow is pointing at the confirmation that it's a boy, just in case you can't tell.
You can see his little foot up on his head.
His arm is extending out and he's pointing to the right here with his little finger.