Just wanted to provide an update on Gabby's progress. She can sit up pretty well when we position her but will still topple from time to time. She can't quite pull herself up into a seated position yet, but she's working on it. As far as crawling...it seems like we're close. She has been lunging and reaching a lot more but just hasn't quite figured out the mechanics of how to propel herself forward. She's got two bottom teeth that we can feel and just barely see the beginnings of, so we expect those to break completely through sometime this week. She's eating pears, carrots, bananas, applesauce, and all sorts of other goodies which has been fun to watch.
She's more and more fun everyday and more and more spirited which is surprising for two people who are both pretty laid back. Looks like we're going to have a job on our hands. Enjoy the pictures!
Gabby doing her impression of Mommy
Just chillin'
Where's Gabby? (Thanks to Cousin Arleigh for the camo outfit)
Playing with Hudson's toys